Folk ensemble Kašava

In 1971 in the village of Kasava situated in the northern part of the Zlin region a folk ensemble of the same name was founded, which used to perform with the local agricultural co-operative society at its beginnings. It has focused its activity on the treatment of folk and custom materials of western a southern Wallachia (a hilly east-Moravian region), and partly the surrounding areas: the Luhacovice Zalesi and the flat region of Hana.

Apart from individual dances the repertoire of the ensemble includes scenic items combining music, dances, and features of drama. These arise both from folk rituals and customs and folk materials reflecting serious points in the life of past generations from the particular region. One of the specific features of Kasava´s activity is the reconstruction of extinct Christmas and Shrovetide custom plays.

The work of the group´s members is arm in arm with the effort for preserving the ethical and esthetical values of the traditional folk culture. Kasava holds thematic folk programmes and traditional dance balls for the public, attends annual carolling, and takes part in home as well as foreign folk festivals regularly. The important part of the Kasava members´ activity is their work with children. There are six children’s folk groups which are attended by roughly a one hundred and fifty children.

Head of the dance group is Ondrej Pavlistik, leader of the music is Vojtech Vlk, leader of the choir is Tereza Golanova, and organization manager is Karel Julina.